Outsourcing is the transfer of certain types or functions of production business activities by an organization based on a contract to another company. Outsourcing allows to increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and use the available organizational, financial and human resources for the development of new areas.

The accounting outsourcing service is available in full or its individual elements: preparation of primary documentation, analysis of documents in order to minimize tax risks, reconciliation, preparation of all types of reports, interaction with auditors and tax authorities during internal tax inspections.

Cost savings caused by accounting by a specialized professional organization

Outsourcing of payroll accounting and HR administration is possible in a complex or its separate elements: HR administration, payroll and tax calculation, preparation of files for payment and for generating transactions, interaction with tax authorities during  internal tax inspections.

Cost savings caused by payroll accounting by a specialized professional organization

Outsourcing of tax accounting can include services for calculating all taxes, as well as individual taxes, submitting tax returns to the tax authorities, minimizing tax risks, and interacting with tax authorities during internal tax inspections.

Cost savings caused by tax accounting by a specialized professional organization
Sergey Gafurov
General director

Sergey has 16 years of experience in the auditing of financial statements under RSA and IFRS, internal audit, accounting consulting and held a managerial position in a leading Russian audit company, and also had significant experience in one of the international audit and consulting companies big4.

Sergey has a unified auditor's certificate, is an ACCA fellow member, and speaks English. Clients belong to various sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, construction, transport, trade, mining, services, and media.

Sergey had experience working on joint projects with audit companies from other countries, including the Netherlands, Canada, Italy, and Germany.

Clients of our team members
  • Газпром нефть
    SCA HP
  • Tupperware
    Sara Lee
  • SU-155
    Kelly Services
    ОАО "Российские железные дороги"
    ГК ОАО «Атомредметзолото»
    ГК ОАО «Объединенные машиностроительные заводы»
    ГК ЗАО «Желдорипотека»
  • ООО «ТНТ экспресс»
    ОАО «Новосибирский стрелочный завод»
    ГК ОАО «Уральская сталь»
    ОАО «Контактор»
    ГК ООО «Сибакадемстрой»​
    ООО «Аэроэкспресс»
    ГК ОАО «Останкинский молочный комбинат»
    ГК ООО «Партнер-Инвест»
  • ОАО «Самарский металлургический завод» (Алкоа)
    ЗАО «Реемсма Волга» (Империал тобако)
    ЗАО «Новартис фарма»
    ЗАО «Глаксосмиткляйн»
    Independent Media
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